Top 10 tips for women travelling alone



1. Read as much as you can before travelling. Some forums such as tripadvisor or lonelyplanet is really useful.

2. Do as the locals do: Study at what local women are wearing. Do they have their shoulders covered? Are they sunbathing? Avoid drawing unwelcome attention to yourself.

3. Plan your itinerary each day and make sure you know how to get there and back.

4. Wear a ‘wedding ring’ or carry a photo of a burly man in your wallet. Pretending you’re about to meet your husband can be a good way to deflect unwanted attention.

5. Don’t travel alone at night or in quiet areas – take a taxi to your front door if it’s safer.

6. Making eye-contact or smiling can be interpreted as a sign of encouragement in some countries. Be polite, but reserved.

7. If you’re concerned about going out after dark, get an early start each day and eat your main meal at lunchtime.

8. Stay sober and never leave a drink unattended.

9. Travel light and leave anything obviously valuable – an expensive watch or special item of jewellery – at home.

10. Reassure family and friends by doing your research. Be grateful that they care about you enough to worry.

Source: The Telegraph

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