Vietnam visa exceptions
Due to some reasons, the citizens of some specific countries could apply for a Vietnam e-visa with limitation and long processing time.
Here is the list of the countries whose citizens are eligible for Vietnam e-visa, however you are subject to long processing time and it is not possible to speed up the visa process:
1. AFG - Afghanistan
2. AGO - Angola
3. BDI - Burundi
4. BEN - Benin
5. BFA - Burkina Faso
6. BWA - Botswana
7. CAF - Central African Republic
8. CIV - Cote d' Ivoire
9. CMR - Cameroon
10. COG - Congo
11. COM - Comoros
12. CPV - Cape Verde
13. DJI - Djibouti
14. EGY - Egypt
15. ERI - Eritrea
16. ETH - Ethiopia
17. GAB - Gabon
18. GHA - Ghana
19. GIN - Guinea
20. GMB - Gambia
21. GNB - Guinea-Bissau
22. GNO - Guinea
23. IRN - Iran Ilasmic Republic of
24. IRQ - Iraq
25. ISR - Israel
26. KEN - Kenya
27. LBN - Lebanon
28. LBR - Liberia
29. LBY - Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
30. LSO - Lesotho
31. MDG - Madagascar
32. MLI - Mali
33. MOZ - Mozambique
34. MRT - Mauritania
35. MUS - Mauritius
36. NAM - Namibia
37. NER - Niger
38. NGA - Nigeria
39. PAK - Pakistan
40. PSE - Palestine
41. RUS - Russian Federation
42. RWA - Rwanda
43. ESH - Sahrawi
44. SDN - Sudan
45. SEN - Senegal
46. SLE - Sierra Leone
47. SOM - Somalia
48. SSD - South Sudan
49. STP - Sao Tome and Principe
50. SWZ - Swaziland
51. SYC - Seychelles
52. SYR - Syrian Arab Republic
53. TCD - Chad
54. TGO - Togo
55. TZA - Tanzania United Republic of
56. UGA - Uganda
57. UKR - Ukraine
58. YEM - Yemen
59. ZMB - Zambia
60. ZWE - Zimbabwe
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